Pisces Horoscope for July 2024

Monthly News from Susan Miller

JULY 2024

Dear reader,

You may already know that on the evening of April 16th, I suddenly had a flood in my apartment. I was writing an article for Vogue Japan. It was due at midnight (noon in Tokyo) and I had finished my 7,528-word piece and was doing the spell check when suddenly there was a knock on my door. It was the building maintenance man saying that he needed to check my bathroom for flooding.

I welcomed him in amazement and showed him that there was no flooding at all in the larger of my two bathrooms. He then asked me to show him my small bathroom in my bedroom, and when I opened the door to my bedroom I was shocked. I felt my bare feet on the soft, water-soaked carpet from wall to wall. The water had strangely turned right into my neighbor’s apartment.

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Your Pisces Horoscope for July 2024

by Susan Miller

Saturn is now square Pisces, and you’re almost halfway through Saturn’s strict, hard-line approach to tutoring. Saturn first entered Pisces in March 2023 and will leave your sign in February 2026. This isn’t an easy time for you, especially if your birthday falls between March 3 and March 10.

Neptune, your modern ruler, travels very closely with Saturn, making this trend more noticeable. Your movements are restricted, so if you feel a little hemmed in by responsibilities and events, you are not imagining it. Saturn is the malefactor, because it wants you to stay put and deal with the challenges that arise directly. Saturn likes to have your full attention, and you have probably already discovered that.

Saturn is here to teach you that you are stronger than you thought – he demonstrates this through a series of tests. We all go through Saturn’s boot camp course every 29 years, so this is your turn. He teaches that the best rewards in life are those that come from hard work and taking responsibility. Saturn often asks that you sacrifice short-term pleasures for long-term gains. Yet there are also sunny moments, and I’ll show you how July will be a perfect example.

Saturn stabilizes everything it touches, so its harmony with the July 5 new moon suggests that your love life will be on an even keel, without the dramatic ups and downs that relationships sometimes go through. Saturn’s friendliness with the Sun suggests that your work life will flow smoothly, without any nasty surprises. Your money will also be more manageable, thanks to Saturn’s golden ray to Venus—Venus rules your eighth house of loans, credit card bills, and other financial obligations.

View the monthly horoscope of another zodiac sign:

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